As more businesses open and people return to work, they need a safe place to bring their kids. In fact, safety is one of the most important qualities for a daycare center to possess; childcare facilities are meant to ease parents’ or guardians’ minds so that they can go about their day without worry. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the best ways to keep kids, parents, and staff safe is to ramp up testing.
In Texas—where safety rules for daycare centers established in April are no longer required—childcare related cases have been increasing. In May, employees and children at 53 centers were infected. As of early July, 883 centers had COVID-19 cases.
This might suggest that childcare facilities are a way COVID-19 spreads if undetected.
Testing ensures that no cases go undetected. This is especially important because—while the information we learn about kids’ role in the pandemic keeps updating—it appears that children are more likely to be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. Adequate testing means that kids not exhibiting symptoms won’t pass it on to staff or other family members.
Testing also allows your business to safely reopen, or to stay open. A recent survey found that only 11% of childcare facilities could survive indefinite closure. Just 27% could survive even one month closed. An outbreak at your facility could cause staff shortages as people recover, taking away resources that are desperately needed.
At Avalon Laboratories, we want to protect your daycare center from experiencing an outbreak. We offer a full Employee Preparedness Program, which includes: directed testing efforts, contact tracing, help making your space conducive to social distancing, and access to personal protective equipment (PPE). We will help keep your facility safe—a place parents feel comfortable bringing their children.
To find out more information or learn about pricing, email [email protected].